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Showing posts from November, 2019
The Resurrection Story We Never Mention!  What is more plausible, an executed religious leader who fronted a growing movement, abruptly raised from the dead? Or a group of his followers hiding his body to claim the same thing?  This topic resonates with me because of the intellectual biasing I've seen from my  encouragable family members and the fact I go obsessed with religion when I'm turning kooky. People throw all common sense out of the window just to believe biblical narrative. Thick books with stained glass windows on the covers, exist, sitting on the bookshelves of gray haired men discussing such pointless topics; issues which can never be resolved. The Empty Tomb: Was Jesus Resurrected? No. Obviously not. Don't be silly. However, the impossibility of it is never sufficient in breaking the paranormal premises disguised as some variant of academia. I advise leaning on the laws of nature and medical science, but folks are strange!  'No this is nonesense! It says

Do transformational archetypes reflect who we are?

To what extent are we moulded by our movies?  F ilms, Books, T.V Boxed sets, have so many transitional archetypes,  such as the bibles fall of Lucifer, along with the spiritual transformation of the disciples,  there's the u-turn of Saul to Paul, who was temporarily blinded by the divine light of the alleged resurrected Christ.  We see change themes in various super hero origin stories, including that of Bruce Banner/Hulk or Bruce Wayne, the Batman. Other examples include Beauty and the Beast, or the story of Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader, and everyone knows Doctor Who, the regenerating time lord. Our mythology and lore across Europe, has shape-shifting pagan gods along with werewolves and vampires. Further east the narrative of the Buddha's awakening is easy to find. We could compile a huge list.  However,  transformation, the complete alteration of a person  in  the mundane world we live in, doesn't usually involve super powers, gods or aliens, but onset ment