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British Gameshow Erotica: Unveiling Our Obsession with Seedy TV Naked Attraction isn't the same as watching Baywatch for the first time as a kid in the Nineties. It's a bare-all bonanza of boobs, balls, butts with banter, bringing a buffet of bulging bits binding Brits to their boxes with a barrage of bewitching bodies!  Curiosity Served Raw:  In a genuine Naked Attraction world would be strange; everyone's nude and everyone primarily remembers you because of your peculiarities, everyone will know a Fiona Floppy Flaps or Donkey Dick Dave. The selling point is the gradual process of unveiling, which in such a real world, might reflected or portrayed as the slow and gradual build up to the person? Objectification is why the contestants break up; this fact is ongoing proof in every episode. The pseudoscientific 'sex facts' add another layer of comedy, because of it's so-called cutting edge-ucation. Naked Attraction as a world would be very silly.    Desire for Meat

My Approach To Creativity.

When we read a book such as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein we will conjure up various images of Victor Frankenstein, even though the classic black and white film used a mad scientist archetype, which however, is not in the novel at all. There's nothing wrong with borrowing this popular movie icon to fit Shelley's story if ever you begin to read it. Either way, the point is, Victor Frankenstein, (like many fictional literary characters) will work your imagination; we take on the job of visualising or bringing characters to life through interpretation—this is where the work of the author ends and where we begin. The cartoonist and illustrator does exactly the same with character creation or the composition of visual comedy. Symbols, pop culture, stereotypes, tropes and memes are all tools. We all saw the caricatures of Trump that saturated Instagram, especially the tantruming child or cry baby? This man has been symbolised, mocked and postured more than most political figures I

Politics is bad for your mental health!

But how do you know she's a witch? From my point of view, the years leading up into Brexit had three specific characters who stood out as harbingers of shit; David Cameron, Jerry Kyle and Katie Hopkins. I held concerns over Tory cuts, which I believed was draining our health care even further . It was salt to the wounds caused by Blairite Labour. In my town, their government closed our huge learning disabilities complex, now it's an abandoned ghost town. The Lucy Baldwin hospital is currently decaying out of sight and the mental health day centres are long gone; Labour policy was to encourage NHS bosses to buy in services themselves, to source private medical services, a financial strategy, aimed at raising standards via the business model of service competition. Perhaps it was a bad idea, Cameron exacerbated matters. I wanted to see something done right for once. This blog is about the social changes I experienced, coming from a person who used mental health services