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British Gameshow Erotica: Unveiling Our Obsession with Seedy TV Naked Attraction isn't the same as watching Baywatch for the first time as a kid in the Nineties. It's a bare-all bonanza of boobs, balls, butts with banter, bringing a buffet of bulging bits binding Brits to their boxes with a barrage of bewitching bodies!  Curiosity Served Raw:  In a genuine Naked Attraction world would be strange; everyone's nude and everyone primarily remembers you because of your peculiarities, everyone will know a Fiona Floppy Flaps or Donkey Dick Dave. The selling point is the gradual process of unveiling, which in such a real world, might reflected or portrayed as the slow and gradual build up to the person? Objectification is why the contestants break up; this fact is ongoing proof in every episode. The pseudoscientific 'sex facts' add another layer of comedy, because of it's so-called cutting edge-ucation. Naked Attraction as a world would be very silly.    Desire for Meat

Why Can't The True Church Faith Heal?

When The Pope Relies on Medical Science and Your Mate Calls him out as a Holy Sh*t.

I mean, fair enough, if you're an atheist and you've immersed yourself in those gritty atheist vs. theist debates on popular social media platforms, your excitement might reach a peak at the thought of the head of the church turning to medical healthcare recently.

To be fair, Catholicism has a history of clashing with scientists, opposing any knowledge that goes against their faith, and now they're embracing it, seemingly abandoning the healing touch they believe Jesus bestowed upon them. Stop, for the love of God! There's already too much aggression in the world, so why can't we all just find common ground and stop labeling each other as heretics or brainwashed? Many religious officials claim, out of deep-seated belief, that holy water can drive out demonic forces (which aren't even real). If you were to follow that line of thought, imagine the havoc priest-filled urine pistols could wreak in a demonic invasion! Picture it: resistance fighters armed with these unconventional weapons, clergy lobbing their own holy sh*t grenades at the hellish horde outside a Tesco in a dystopian future devoid of churches.

Anyway, yes, those self-prided 'discussion champions' who pit science against religion often miss the mark. Many scientists and healthcare professionals hold religious beliefs (a fact that has always puzzled me), so why should we be quick to criticize the Pope for seeking medical treatment without considering the complexity of his position?

Science and atheism may diverge significantly, but some atheists wield science with the authority of a medieval Templar wielding his sword—often with a shaky grasp on the actual facts. So what's the deal? Jesus was all about healing the sick. He taught his followers to do the same, passing on the power to heal. However, I've never heard of faith healing separating Siamese twins, to be honest. This raises an important question: Why aren't the Pope's aides using their healing powers on him?

Despite their hands-on approach to healing the sick—or rather, spitting on them for healing purposes (yes, Jesus actually did that, see Mark 8:22-26)—why didn't anyone from the Pope's entourage take this route? Well. . . mysterious ways? 

There are countless stories of saints performing miraculous healings! I'm not trying to be contrary, but even someone like Oscar Romero reportedly healed a woman from El Salvador in 2015 using what I like to refer to as the 'Jesus touch.' So, let's have an open and honest discussion without resorting to convoluted arguments: why couldn't anyone else in the Catholic Church heal the actual leader of the Church—the Pope?

The point is, they can't have it both ways! Either stick to the belief in the healing powers of Jesus' hands within the Vatican Palace, or acknowledge the need for modern healthcare like everyone else, accepting that perhaps biblical faith healing isn't as straightforward as it seems.


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